Polyclinic of BSU
- The therapist
- The ophthalmologist
- The gynecologist
- The surgeon
- The dentist
- The neuropathologist
- The rheumatologist, the cardiologist
- Laboratory
- The electrocardiogram
- Examinations with US
Eye cabinet
- Of the refraction of the eye defining exact defining and correct defining of the glasses;
- Of all membranes of the eye defining;
- Inspection of the eye bottom;
- Measurement of an eye of internal pressure;
- Of the percentage of the seeing defining;
- Treatment of caries
- Treatment of pulpities
- Treatment of pekiodontities
- Treatment of gum diseases a) Pakodontosies b) Gingivities
- Cleaning of tooth stones
- Whitening of teeth
- X-ray of teeth
Examinations with US of…
- Abdominal organes
- Small pelvis organes
- Thyroid and mammary glands
- Upper and lower limbs by doplerogramm
ECG three channels
- Total analysis of blood, urine, excrement
- Hormons
- İn Sections
- Hemostaz tests
- Biocheneical blood tests
Heniatology Analyzer
Biocheneical analizator
İnimunoassay Analyzer
Address: Baku city, Zahid Xəlilov str, 23, BSU, Tel.: 537-05-43, 438-67-45