Ambassador of Kazakhstan visits BSU


Rector of Baku State University (BSU) Elchin Babayev has met with the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the country Serjan Abdikarimov to discuss prospects for educational cooperation between the two countries.

Emphasizing that BSU gives special importance to the cooperation with the universities of Turkic-speaking countries, Rector Elchin Babayev noted that currently there is a dual diploma program between BSU and two universities of Kazakhstan.

“Work is currently being finalized on the dual diploma program with two more Kazakh universities. Students from Kazakhstan predominate among foreign students of BSU. The Kazakh Center named after Abay Kunanbayev is successfully continuing its activities at BSU,” Babayev mentioned.

Ambassador Serjan Abdikarimov thanked Rector Elchin Babayev for the presentation of the new stone inscription and monument complex of the founder of the second Goyturk state, Iltarish Kutlug Khagan (7th century), found in the Nomgon valley of Mongolia.

The Kazakh ambassador also highlighted the interest of his country in the study of the ancient and common history of the Turkic peoples, adding that great responsibilities in this matter lie on scientists. He hailed the development of relations between BSU and higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.

During the meeting, the sides also discussed further deepening of cooperation between BSU and Kazakh higher educational institutions, as well as other issues of mutual interest.



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