Ambassador of Turkmenistan and President of the Academy of Sciences visit BSU


The Ambassador of Turkmenistan, Gurbannammet Elyasov, and the President of the Academy of Sciences of this country, Professor Allaberdy Ashirov, visited Baku State University (BSU).

Rector Elchin Babayev informed the guests that the Turkic world is experiencing a renaissance, and Azerbaijan is developing relations with all Turkic-speaking peoples. He noted that there are broad prospects for cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in the fields of science and education.

The Rector emphasized that BSU has made a significant contribution to the development of science and education in the country, preparing esteemed scholars and researchers. Expanding international cooperation is of great importance in BSU's activities. Elchin Babayev reminded that a cooperation protocol has been signed between BSU and the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli.

President of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Allaberdy Ashirov noted that the visit of the delegation he leads will become a new page in the development of Azerbaijani-Turkmen scientific and cultural ties. The guest informed about the activities and structure of the organization he heads and emphasized that there is great potential for cooperation with BSU in various fields.

Ambassador Gurbannammet Elyasov noted that mutual visits play an important role in strengthening relations between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, which have common historical roots and traditions: "The brotherhood between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan is a legacy left to us by our ancestors. It is the duty of each of us to continue it."

At the meeting, there was a presentation of the books "Anau - Culture from the Depths of Millennia" and "Youth - the Pillar of the Motherland" by the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov.


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