An information day for the ERASMUS MUNDUS project was held at BSU
On December 14, 2012 at theBakuStateUniversitytookplace an information day of theprojectERASMUS MUNDUS .The University joinedto this project 2 years ago and involved in four projects: ALRAKIS (coordinator - University of Goettingen, Germany), ELECTRA (Coordinator - University of Oldenburg, Germany), ALRAKIS II (University of Goettingen, Germany), EUROEAST (Coordinator- University Torino, Italy).
NinoDvalidze (IliaStateUniversity, Georgia) gavetheinformationtothestudentsaboutthementionedprojects.
Under the project BSU students are able to continue their studies at leading universities in Europe at the Bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs. In addition, teachers can work on probation at European universities.
Press and Information Department, BSU, December 14, 2012