
The International Conference of Fuzzy Logic and Applications will be held 20-21th of December 2021 at Baku State University (BSU) (Azerbaijan) in collaboration with Holon Institute of Technology (Israel).

The conference's goals are to study the legacy of Lotfi Zadeh in connection with the solution of issues arising from the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated January 25, 2021 on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of prominent scientist Lotfi Zadeh, identify priorities in the field of fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence, identify innovative projects, exchange experience with international experts, encourage young researchers to pursue scientific careers, and discuss important theoretical and practical research achievements on a global scale.


The conference will feature presentations in the following areas:

  1. Fuzzy control
  2. Fuzzy Measure and Metrics
  3. Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory
  4. Differential equations and Applications
  5. Deep Learning Applications
  6. Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Chaos Theory
  7. General Engineering Applications
  8. Big Data and Data Mining
  9. Fuzzy Topology

10. Fuzzy Algebra

11. Fuzzy Analysis

12. Semantic Web

13. Lacge-scale Visualization

14. Statistical Analysis

15. Computational İntelligence

16. Applications of Fuzzy Sets

17. Applications of Perfect Decomposition


Abstract submission deadline : November 1, 2021

Abstract are submitted via an online submission system :


Abstract guidelines:

Abstract must be prepared in English.

The name of abstract must be short (not more than 12 words).

Name of abstract: with capital letters, bold, 14-point, Calibri font

Full name of the author: bold, 12-point, Calibri font

Names of the organization, city and country: Regular, italic, 12-point, Calibri font

E-mail: Regular, italic, 12-point, Calibri font

Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words. Paper format: A4; File format: *doc, *docx; 12-point Calibri font, 1 spaced; Margins: top-2.7 cm, bottom-2.0 cm, left-2.0 cm, right-2.5 cm.

The number of the referenced literature is indicated in the text (for example, [2])

References are given at the end of the text (for example, M. Hasanov, A. Mamedov, Properties of CdS films. J of Nanotechnology 2021, 25 (31), p. 34-45.)


Only accepted abstracts will be published.

Theses that do not correspond to the scientific directions of the conference will not be accepted. Conference materials (collection of articles and abstracts) will be published and relevant certificates will be issued to participants. Selected articles will be published in prestigious journals.


Place of Conference and contact details:

Baku State University, AZ1148, Zahid Khalilov str.,33.

Tel: (+99412) 538 95 40

Mob: (+99470) 747 75 22 and (+99450) 335 44 70




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