We are pleased to announce the VIII International Conference MTP-2023: Modern Trends in Physics dedicated to the 100th anniversary national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev. The conference will be organized by the Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan and Baku State University (BSU) with the collaboration of National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Italy), COMSATS University (Pakistan), The University of Lahore (Pakistan), Middle East Technical University (Turkey), Ankara University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey), Sivas Cumhuriyet University (Turkey), University of Delaware (USA). The conference will be held between 29 November and 01 December 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan
The aim of the conference is to determine priorities and identify innovative areas in physics, exchange experience with international specialists, encourage young researchers to scientific research and discuss important theoretical and practical research results in international level.
- Theoretical and High Energy Physics
- Biophysics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Material Science and Matter Engineering
- Space science and astrophysics
Abstract submission deadline: November 3, 2023
Conference language: English
Abstracts are submitted via an online submission system: |
- The program committee will consider only abstracts that correspond to topics of the conference, requirements, and rules of preparation;
- All information must be submitted through the online submission system in English.
Abstract Guidelines:
Abstract must be written in English;
The name of abstract must be short (not more than 12 words);
Abstract name: upper case, bold, 14-point, Calibri font
Full name of the author: bold, 12-point, Calibri font
Names of the organization, city and country: Regular, italic, 12-point, Calibri font
E-mail: Regular, italic, 12-point, Calibri font
Keywords: no more than 6 words, shouldb written in lowercase letters and separated with commas.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words. Paper format: A4; File format: *doc, *docx; 12-point Calibri font, interval 1.0; Margins: top - 2.7 cm, bottom - 2.0 cm, left - 2.0 cm, right - 2.5 cm.
The number of the referenced literature is indicated in the text (for example, [2])
References are given at the end of the text (for example, M. Hasanov, A. Mamedov, Properties of CdS films. J of Nanotechnology 2021, 25 (31), p. 34-45.)
Only accepted abstracts will be published.
Place of Conference and Contact Details:
Baku State University, AZ1148, Z. Khalilov str.,33.
Phone: (+99412) 538 72 17
Mobile: (+99450) 353 61 31 (WhatsApp)