Astronauts Tuva Atasever, Alper Gezeravci, Anna Kikina, and Hazzaa Al-Mansouri visit BSU


Astronauts Tuva Atasever, Alper Gezeravci, Anna Kikina, and Hazzaa Al-Mansouri, as part of the International Astronaut Program of the 74th International Astronautical Congress, met with students of Baku State University (BSU).

During the opening of the event, Imran Mukhtarov, a manager of the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, provided information about the agency's activities, the 74th International Astronautical Congress, and the International Astronaut Program.

Shabnam Safarova, an Advisor to the Rector of BSU, noted that space science in Azerbaijan, which began with Nasreddin Tusi, has an 800-year history. BSU is the country's main university that continues this rich tradition. The only astrophysics department in Azerbaijan operates at BSU, and the university also has a laboratory for astro-space and atmospheric research.

Astronauts Tuva Atasever, Alper Gezeravci, Anna Kikina, and Hazzaa Al-Mansouri, shared their impressions of space flights and missions with the students and answered their questions.


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