Baku State University and University of Belgrade signed a memorandum of cooperation


The Baku State University (BSU) and the University of Belgrade (Serbia) signed a memorandum of cooperation. The memorandum was signed by rectors of the Baku State University and the University of Belgrade Abel Maharramov and Vladimir Bumbasirevic. The memorandum envisages the exchange of students, researchers and doctoral candidates, the organization of joint symposiums, seminars and conferences. Speaking prior to the signing ceremony, Maharramov highlighted BSU`s activity and foreign relations. Stressing the importance of education in a globalizing world, Maharramov touched upon the necessity of inter-university relations. Bumbasirevic spoke of the University of Belgrade`s history and activity. They also discussed prospects for cooperation between the two higher educational institutions. Serbian ambassador to Azerbaijan Zoran Vayovic also participated in the meeting. The University of Belgrade is the oldest and largest university in Serbia.
Founded in 1808 as the Belgrade Higher School in revolutionary Serbia, by 1838 it merged with the Kragujevac-based departments into a single university. The University has nearly 90,000 students (including around 1,700 postgraduates) and over 4,200 members of teaching staff. The University comprises 31 faculties, 11 research institutes, the university library, and 7 university centers. The faculties are organized into 4 groups: social sciences and humanities, medical sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, and technological sciences. Since its founding, the University has educated more than 330,000 bachelor`s, around 21,300 magisters, 29,000 specialists and 12,600 doctors.

Press and Information Department, 08 October, 2012.


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