BSU and Education Development Fund Sign Cooperation Agreement


Baku State University (BSU) and the Education Development Fund (EDF) have formalized their collaboration under the StudentPlus project by signing a cooperation agreement. The document was signed by BSU Rector Elchin Babayev and EDF Board Chairman Elnur Nasibov.

Established in 2021, the Education Development Fund is a public legal entity dedicated to financing programs and projects that enhance the education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Fund also supports the modernization of the material and technical infrastructure of state educational institutions.

BSU and the EDF are partners in various initiatives, including the Support Girls’ Education project and the Project on IELTS Exam Promotion.

The Support Girls’ Education project aims to empower youth, particularly girls, by promoting their role in the nation's development and helping them access modern educational opportunities. The Project on IELTS Exam Promotion, launched in October 2022, seeks to encourage university faculty and students to take the IELTS exam.


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