BSU, Bukhara State University sign cooperation agreement


Baku State University (BSU) and Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan have signed an academic cooperation protocol envisaging collaboration in the fields of academic studies, culture, research and education.

The agreement was inked by BSU Rector Elchin Babayev and Bukhara State University Rector Obidjon Khamidov.

Addressing the signing ceremony, Rector Elchin Babayev emphasized the importance of the relations between BSU and universities of Uzbekistan, He also touched upon the successes achieved by BSU in recent years.

Rector Obidjon Khamidov highlighted that cooperation between the universities of the two fraternal countries would be very productive and useful.

Under the document, the two universities will exchange academic stuff and students, hold joint seminars, conferences and workshops, as well as implement international scientific, educational projects and programmes.


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