BSU employees participate in International Biodiversity Day Event


The rector's advisor on Youth Policy and Social Issues Humar Mamedbagirova, the Advisor on Digitalization and Information Technologies Shabnam Safarova, and the Head of the Protocol Sector Jahan Ganizade participated in an event dedicated to the International Biodiversity Day at the Kura Experimental Sturgeon Farm, located in the Neftchala district.

The event was attended by over a hundred distinguished guests, including representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), experts from fish farming enterprises, and high-ranking officials. Foreign guests and embassy officials were also present, highlighting the importance of such programs for corporate environmental responsibility.

As part of the event, 50,000 sturgeon fry were released into the Caspian Sea. This effort represents a significant contribution by the company to preserving the biodiversity of the Caspian Sea's endemic species. Azerbaijan Fish Farm has committed to restoring and conserving sturgeon populations, which are crucial for maintaining the ecological balance of the Caspian Sea.



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