BSU hosts III Republican Scientific Conference "Chemistry and Chemical Technology"

Baku State University has hosted the III Republican Scientific Conference "Chemistry and Chemical Technology" for doctoral candidates, master's students, and young researchers.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation Huseyn Mammadov stated that the 101st anniversary of the birth of the national leader Heydar Aliyev is being celebrated at BSU with love and respect. Huseyn Mammadov, recalling the great leader's contributions to the development and reconstruction of Azerbaijan's petrochemical industry, noted that the Faculty of Chemistry holds special significance in training chemical specialists in the country. He further provided information about the level of scientific research at BSU, their indexing in international databases, and the creation of new specialties.

Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Fuad Karimli reported that over 220 theses from various universities and research institutes of the Ministry of Science and Education were accepted for the conference.

Then, the event featured speeches from the chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee on Natural Resources, Energy, and Ecology Sadig Gurbanov, academician Vagif Farzaliyev, Professor Mukhammad Babanly, and Vice-Rector of Sumgayit State University Elshad Abdullayev.

At the plenary session of the conference, presentations were heard from Professor Rasim Alosmanov and Head of the Research Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry Alekper Huseynzade.

The conference continued its work in four sections.


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