BSU hosts scientific seminar on Albanian-Kipchak monuments of Karabakh


Baku State University (BSU) has hosted a scientific seminar entitled "Albanian-Kipchak monuments of Karabakh", jointly organized by the Department of the Ancient and Middle Ages History of the Faculty of History and the Museum of History of BSU.

The event is dedicated to April 18 - International Day for Monuments and Sites.

The seminar was moderated by Kamala Najafova, Deputy Dean for Research of the Faculty of History.

Head of the Department of the Ancient and Middle Ages History, full member of ANAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yagub Makhmudov made presentation entitled "Albanian-Kipchak monuments of Karabakh".

Elnur Najiyev, Librarian at the National Library of Azerbaijan also made report on Albanian-Kipchak monuments of Karabakh.

Guntekin Najafli, Head of the Department of the Bakikhanov Institute of History of ANAS made presentation entitled “Valuable research against the falsification of the Albanian-Christian heritage of Azerbaijan”.


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