BSU hosts scientific seminar on Russian Tsarist Colonial Policy in Azerbaijan


Faculty of History of Baku State University has hosted a scientific seminar entitled "The establishment of the colonial regime of tsarist Russia in Azerbaijan and its peculiar features".

Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of History Kamala Najafova noted that On February 22, 1828 Russian Empire and Qajar İran signed the Treaty of Turkmenchay, which divided Azerbaijan along the Araz River. She stressed the relevance of the seminar dedicated to the anniversary of the signing of Turkmenchay Treaty.

Head of the Department of History of Azerbaijan Mehman Abdullayev made presentation on "The establishment of the colonial regime of tsarist Russia in Azerbaijan and its peculiar features". He shared information about the Russian Tsarist Colonial Policy in the South Caucasus, including in Azerbaijan as well as resettlement policies, led to the strengthening of the Christian element in the South Caucasus.


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