BSU hosts seminar dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Professor Aziz Aliyev


On February 28, a scientific seminar dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Professor Aziz Aliyev was held at BSU. The seminar was jointly organized by the Library and Information Faculty of Baku State University (BSU) and the Republican State Scientific Medical Library.

Mais Suleymanov, Director of the Center for Organization of Scientific Activity and Innovation spoke about the life and activities of the prominent statesman. Emphasizing the significance of studying the heritage of Professor Aziz Aliyev he stressed that it is important to increase awareness of his life and activities.

The Head of the Department of Bibliography of BSU Nadir Ismailov made a presentation entitled "Studying the documents on the heritage of Aziz Aliyev", The Director of the Republican State Scientific Medical Library Yegana Piraliev made presentation on «Aziz Aliyev is an organizer of the information activities of medical science and education in Azerbaijan".


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