BSU is the winner of the Erasmus+Jean Monnet Project


“Green oriented studies in EU” project by Ulviyya Hasanova, Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry of BSU; Alakbar Huseynzade, Head of BSU Industrial Chemistry Laboratory; Alibala Aliyev, Junior Researcher of the Industrial Chemistry Laboratory; Aygun Ismayilova, Senior Researcher of the Microbiology and Virology Laboratory; Gunel Aliyeva, Senior Assistant of Nano Research laboratory, and Leman Azizova, Senior Lecturer of the Finance and Management Department is the winner of the Erasmus+Jean Monnet Project.

Erasmus+Jean Monnet Action aims to support activities carried out by institutions and associations active in the field of European Union studies.

Projects under the Action Jean Monnet Support to institutions and associations have a duration of 3 years.


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