BSU Professor visits Romania


Dean of theFaculty of Physicsprof. M.Ramazanov visited Romania at theinvitation of the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN). Duringthevisit, Professor M.Ramazanovgavethelecture"On theprospects of nanotechnology in Azerbaijan» ( theFaculty of  Physics,University of Bucharest.

The lecturer gave information about Nanotechnology Researches in Azerbaijan, especially in Baku StateUniversity, Teaching Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Professor M.Ramazanov also spoke about internationalg rantprojects in the BSU, the material and technicalresources of theLaboratory for NanoResearch,the scientificpublications of Azeri scientists in theThomson Reuters Journal List. The lecture rsaid that the cooperation between Azerbaijan and Romania in this fieldde veloped since visit of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev to Romaniain 2004. TheFaculty of Physics of BSU and  NationalInstitute for MaterialsPhysics ( NIMP) Bucharestsigned ancooperationagreement.

Press and Information Deparment, BSU, 27 March, 2013



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