BSU Professor’s paper published in scientific journal with high impact factors
A scientific article "Unilateral global bifurcation from infinity in nonlinearizable one-dimensional Dirac problems" by Professor Ziyatkhan Seyfaddin Aliyev, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Baku State University co-authored by Nazim Neymatov, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Ganja State University and Humay Rzayeva, Department of Differential Equations, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was published in "International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos".
The paper deals with the unilateral global bifurcation from infinity in nonlinearizable eigenvalue problems for the one-dimensional Dirac equation. It shows the existence of two families of unbounded continua of the set of nontrivial solutions emanating from asymptotically bifurcation intervals and having the usual nodal properties near these intervals.
International Journal of Bifurcationand Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by World Scientific (Impact Factor-2.469, Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics 2020). It was established in 1991 and covers chaos theory and nonlinear science in a diverse range of fields in applied science and engineering.
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