BSU Scientific Library provides remote access to 10 databases
Baku State University (BSU) offers remote access to 10 databases on the EBSCOHost platform:
1. Academic Search Premier
2. Business Source Premier
3. MasterFile Premier
4. Newspaper Source и Regional Business News
6. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
7. Health Source: Consumer Edition
8. ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
9. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
10. GreenFILE.
During the winter examination session, access to these databases will be available from 07/01/2024 to 29/02/2024 not only from within the university but also from any location in the country.
To remotely use the databases on the official university website, you should go to "Full-text databases", then to "EBSCO" and log in with User ID: bsu2024 and Password: Library@2024.
Alternatively, you can follow the link and enter the aforementioned user and password values.