BSU scientists make reports at II International Scientific Conference on Light and Light-based Technologies


BSU scientists took part in the II International Scientific Conference on Light and Light-based Technologies, held at the Gazi University of Turkey.
The conference was attended by scientists from the 26 countries.
Professor of the Faculty of Physics Rasim Mammadov made a presentation on "Photo effect on Schottky diodes in an additional electric field"; Head of the Center for Nano-research Mustafa Muradov - "Obtaining nanomaterials and some features of optical properties"; Lala Gahramanli - "Influence of various technological factors on the optical properties of CdxZn1-xS nanoparticles"; Sevinj Mammadyarova - "Influence of the magnetic field on the structure and optical properties of Ni / NiO nanochains" and Ophelia Balaeva - “Controlled synthesis of NixZn1-xS nanoparticles in layered NiZnAl binary hydroxide / PVS”.
The 2nd ICLLT-2021 conference targets guests from various branches and disciplines related to Optics and Photonics Technologies. Its interdisciplinary approach is the key to maximizing the potential and development of light-based technologies and tools for various applications. The purpose of the conference is to explore new ideas, effective solutions, and collaborative partnerships for business growth by catalyzing the creation of a beneficial synergy between researchers, engineers, manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users of all sectors and making full use of this potential.


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