BSU students visits Chovdar Gold Mine


BSU faculty members and students have visited Chovdar Gold Mine by AzerGold CJSC.
The trip was carried out in accordance with the Action Plan for 2022-2023, signed between BSU and AzerGold CJSC.
BSU students and faculty members also met with AzerGold CJSC staff. The meeting was attended by Chief Specialist of the AzerGold Human Resources Department Valid Aliyev, leading geologists-engineers of the company Mamedaga Talibov, Sultan Jafarov, Ramil Shahmamedov, Dean of  the Faculty of Geology, BSU Mamoy Mansurov, Deputy Dean Ilgar Guliyev, Head of the Department of General and Historical Geology Nazim Imamverdiyev, Head of the Department of Crystallography, mineralogy and geochemistry Karim Rahimov, faculty member of the Department of Mineral Resources Azer Huseynov, faculty member of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Alekper Mirzoev.
Chovdar gold mine is located on the north of Dashkasan region. Proven gold reserves of the mine are 1 661 000 ounces (51.5 tons of ore), while 363 500 and 1 298 000 ounces of them are shared between surface (oxide) and underground (sulphide) ores, respectively. Total amount of economically profitable and technically extractable gold reserves in the deposit is estimated to be 233 thousand ounces.


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