Complementary Problems of Law The II International Conference 2010


The Faculty of Law, Qafqaz University, and Baku State University hold symposium on the theme of  “Actual problems of Law", as a continuation of a series of private law conference held in 2005 - year. The symposium will be held between Aprel 29 and May 1 , 2010.


The last date of sending the full text reports: 25.03.2010
Approval of the text of the report: 31.03.2010
Symposium dates: 29.04.2010 - 01.05.2010


The legal system of the Soviet Union which had totalitarian character and based upon the Marxist ideology prevented the development of private law in its geography. Since the Soviet Union was a state based upon the Marxist ideology private property over production factors was rejected and any kind of private initiative was banned. In such a legal environment there was no opportunity for the development of private law.

The states that gained independence as a result of the decay of the Soviet Union have had serious changes to experience in the political and economic fields during the process of restructuring. The CIS countries, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, transited to the relationship of the production and commerce private ownership and all bans on private property and free enterprise was abolished.

As a result of this change the new private legal relationship established which in turn should have been regulated by legacy. Almost all the newly established states including Azerbaijan removed the ban on both private property of production factors and private initiative. For this purpose in 29.12.1999 in Azerbaijan was adopted new Civil Code, which entered into force on 01.09.2000. Lack of sufficient legal norms and existence of many gaps in the law, very often encountered with changing legislation. On the other hand, the CIS countries have very recent past regarding to developing own private law, faced with a strong sense of a shortage of specialists in that area and the lack of research and literature.

So, the major purpose of organising an international conference in private law according to Qafqaz University is to make enable scientific discussions on the current problems faced in private law and contribute to the development of private law in CIS countries. It’s also clear that the development of private law can contribute to the improvement of the economy and social structure. In this context we would like to stress that adoption and implementation of stable and purposeful regulations would play a vital role in the development and stimulation of private law relations and in particular of trade relations. This can also lead to the placement of foreign direct investment in CIS countries in an easier and legally more secure form and can make investments more attractive to foreign capital. Because in a system of insecure and unstable legal regulations, investment is less attractive which is very natural, whereas in a contrary case capital.

We hope to hear very useful and important opinions of the esteem participants on the formation of the necessary legal environment for CIS countries.

Subjects and sections:

1. Kamu Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Anayasa Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Genel Kamu Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- İdare Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Ceza Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Ceza Usul Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Kriminolojinin Güncel Sorunları

2- Özel Hukukun Güncel Sorunları:

- Borçlar Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Eşya Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Ticaret Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Miras Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- Usul Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- İcra İflas Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

- İş Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları

3. Hukuk Eğitiminde Yaşanan Güncel Sorunlar


Baku  State University
 Prof.Dr. Mayis ƏLİYEV
 Dr. Elşad NƏSİROV
 Dos.Dr. Baxşeyiş ƏSGƏROV
 Dos.Dr. Cabir QULİYEV
Z.Khalilov street 23, Baku, 
Tel: (+99412) 4303245 / 4390858
Fax: (+99412) 5983376 / 5101341


Qafqaz University
 Dr. Mübariz Yolçiyev
 Dr. Sərvər Süleymanlı 
 Dr. Ferhad Mehdiyev 
 Müəllim. İsmayıl İsmayılı

Hafiz Atakişiyev

Khirdalan, Baku,Tel: (+99412) 4482862/66
Fax: (+99412) 4482861/67




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