Delegation from Ankara University visited BSU


The delegation headed by the vice-rector  of Ankara University  prof Arqun Karacabey was in Baku State University, on September, 28.

At the meeting the rector of BSU, academician Abel Maharramov spoke about the activities, achievements of BSU. He reminded that BSU has joined the europe education system. Academician pointing  relations in the educational field between Azerbaijan and Turkey said that the acception of diplomas of the law faculty graduater's is very important and should be found solution.

Professor Ankara University, vice-rector Arqun Karacabey spoke importance about the education in the globalising world, the dean of the law faculty, professor Mustafa Akkaya noted the importance of the education relations, the measures taken in his country for the development of education. Then mutual accepting of low faculty students' diplomas was discussed and some suggestions were given.

İt was emphasisezid  that  the coinfidence of the edujational  plans And programs on these spejialists should be improves.

Deputy of the education minister Elmar Qasımov, the educational adviser of turkish embassy in Azerbaijan participaited at the meeting of the end of the meeteng guests  got acquainted with educational conditions  of BSU


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