Graduates of double degree program between BSU and Kazakh National Research Technical University successfully defended their theses


On June 24, 2023, graduates of the double degree program between Baku State University (BSU) and Kazakh National Research Technical University, named after K. I. Satpayev, successfully defended their Master’s theses on Petrochemistry.

Zulfiya Huseynli defended her thesis on the topic of "Technical Cottonseed Oil as a Raw Material in Biodiesel Production," while Yerasyl Kamshiger presented his thesis on the topic of "Application of Ionic Liquids as Automotive Additives."

During the defense, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Fuad Karimli, along with co-chairs of the master's thesis defense committee, Ibrahim Mammadov and Aygul Amitova, highlighted the mutual cooperation between the two universities and extended their best wishes for the success of the graduates.


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