International Conference


International Conference at Baku State University AZERBAIJAN May 21-23, 2018 Centennial Celebration of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic: The First Parliamentary Republic In The Muslim East

Call for Papers

Deadline for panel and paper proposals: February 28, 2018

The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR), established on May 28, 1918, was the first parliamentary republic in the Muslim East and the present day Republic of Azerbaijan is its political heir. Foundation fathers of the short-lived ADR (till April 28, 1920) were able to achieve the accomplishments in the formation of democratic institutions, economy, organization of army and culture, among them is the establishment of Baku State University (BSU), the first modern-type university, based on the secular education. BSU is delighted to host International Conference on the centennial celebration of ADR.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

• The Road to Establishment of an Independent Republic

• National awakening in the late 1800s - early 1900s as the basis of future independence

• Legacy of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

• Azerbaijanism as a basic ideology of nation building

• Relations between Azerbaijan and the Ottoman Empire in the Context of National Interests

• Azerbaijan Democratic Republic: in the Stalemate of Internal Problems

• First Azerbaijan Parliament: Achievements and Challenges

• Baku State University as a Legacy of the ADR

• Education, Culture and the Press during the ADR

• The ADR in the International Arena

• Founders of the ADR

• Relations of the ADR with the neighboring countries

• The ADR in the struggle for the territorial integrity

• Occupation of the ADR by the Soviet Russia and the forcible Sovietization

• Republic of Azerbaijan as a heir of the ADR

The organizers invite proposals for pre-arranged panels and individual papers. If accepted, Individual proposals will then be grouped with similar submissions by the conference organizers. Duration of each panel in the conference will be 1.5 hours. Presentations per paper will be 15 minutes in length.

How to submit you panel/paper proposal For panels, a 100-word outline of the theme of the panel, together with 200-word abstracts of each paper and the details of each presenter should be sent to

Forms for Panel  download HERE. For individual papers, please, email your name, paper title, a 250-word abstract and university affiliation to Forms for Individual Paper download HERE. * ALL PANEL AND PAPER SUBMISSIONS MUST BE IN AZERBAIJANI, ENGLISH, RUSSIAN AND/OR TURKISH.

In case you couldn`t download the Forms, please, ask us in


The conference is hosted by BSU, Zahid Khalilov Street 23, AZ1148, Baku, Azerbaijan.


• Abstract Submission for the Conference: February 28, 2018

• Acceptance Notification: March 5, 2018

• Invitation Letter for visa: March 10, 2018

• Conference Draft Paper Submission: May 10, 2018

• The Conference Dates: May 21-23, 2018

PAPER SUBMISSION: In case your abstract is accepted, a draft paper of around 3000–5000 words is due May 10, 2018.

There is no fee for this conference. Please note that we will not cover your travel and accommodations during your stay in Baku. Hotel Discounts We are in the process of negotiation for discounts of hotel rooms. We will notify the conference participants after acceptance of proposals.




Please note that this is an academic conference only; no non-academic presenters will be accepted.


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