January 20 - The Day of National Mourning


Baku State University (BSU) held the ceremony of remembrance of the victims of January 20, 1990 tragic events, when Soviet troops entered Baku. At first the students read poems, devoted to the martyrs. Then the Rector, academician Abel Maharramov gave a speech, asking all event participants to commemorate 137 killed Azerbaijani citizens, including children, women and old men with a moment of silence.Troops’ invasion and declaration of emergency were implemented on the basis of the ruling of Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council, signed by M. Gorbachev in the evening of January 19, 1990. There was no consent of Azerbaijani SSR Supreme Council on declaration of emergency. The content regulation was only brought to the people of Azerbaijan after 7 hours after the invasion of troops to Baku. Terrible crime against civilians and whole Azerbaijan was started with the invasion. Regarding to the words of the academician, the political scene of January 20, 1990 events was given by the state Parliament with initiative of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev in 1994. Academician Abel Maharramov pointed that BSU being concentration of intellectual potential of the country also made its contribution to the liberty of the country – the students of the University were also killed that day on the way to independence.   The Rector Abel Maharramov expressed his confidence in President Ilham Aliyev’s policy, which will lead to the liberation of the occupied territory of Azerbaijan.
The father of a martyr Mazahir Rustamov BSU professor Izzet Rustemov in his speech said that Moscow willed to punish Azerbaijani people for their spirit and desire of independence by those atrocities on January 20. I. Rustemov pointed that in spite of harassment the National Leader Heyder Aliyev, coming to the permanent representation of Azerbaijan in Moscow held a press-conference, where he condemned the atrocities of the Soviet regime. The professor also reminded the name of Mubariz Ibrahimov, expressing confidence that the occupied territories will be regained.
Students also gave speeches at the event: Keramet Najafov called the martyrs the pride of Azerbaijan and Lamiya Huseynova considers the day of January 20 not as the day of tragedy, but the day of liberty and solidarity of Azerbaijani people.
The slides of the events of Januray 20 were shown at the end of the commemorative ceremony.


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