Meeting with Uzbek Scientists Held at BSU


The Faculty of Information and Document Management at Baku State University (BSU) hosted a visit from a teaching delegation representing universities from Uzbekistan.

During the meeting, the faculty's leadership provided the guests with information about the educational environment in Azerbaijan, the history and current state of BSU, as well as the Faculty of Information and Document Management.

Professor Azimidin Nasirov from Samarkand State University addressed the gathering and highlighted the friendship and fraternal relations among Turkic peoples, who share a common history and culture. The professor emphasized the enduring interest of Uzbeks in Azerbaijani literature and culture. He also mentioned the strengthening scientific collaboration between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan in recent years, including the signing of cooperation agreements between BSU and Uzbek universities. Professor Azimidin Nasirov praised the integration of joint scientific conferences, teacher and student exchanges, and other collaborative initiatives.

During the meeting, associate professors Normat Yuldashev, Maksuda Berdymuradova, Batyr Akbotaev, Gozel Gummatova, Khuriyat Mukhiddinova, senior lecturer Yulduz Khaitova, and Gulnaz Churakulova, a lecturer at the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan, delivered presentations.

Subsequently, the guests engaged in discussions on various topics with the faculty's teachers and students.


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