Minister of Education and Science of Georgia visits BSU


The delegation headed by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Mikhail Chkhenkeli has visited the Baku State University (BSU). The minister met with BSU rector Elchin Babayev, the faculty and students of the university.
Speaking at the meeting, Rector Elchin Babayev emphasized the need for exchange of experience in the field of science and education between BSU and Georgian universities. Elchin  Babaeyv said that integration with Georgian universities will expand in the field of the faculty and students exchange, joint projects and double degree programs.
Chkhenkeli, in turn, noted that Azerbaijan and Georgia continue cooperation in education. “We have agreed on cooperation between BSU and Georgian universities. I invited the rector to visit Georgia to discuss the details. We will also work to strengthen collaboration between universities in research,” he added.


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