Rector of Istanbul Technical University visits BSU


A delegation led by Ismail Koyuncu, the Rector of Istanbul Technical University from the Republic of Turkey has visited Baku State University to meet its Rector Elchin Babayev. Nijat Mammadli, an adviser to the Minister of Science and Education, also attended the meeting.

Elchin Babayev spoke of the friendly and fraternal relations between the two countries, and hailed the cooperation between the BSU and Turkish universities. He said that the collaborative efforts between BSU and Istanbul Technical University in the fields of science and education will significantly enhance our fraternal relations. There is much work that we can accomplish together. Both universities will leverage their potential to conduct collaborative scientific research and undertake joint projects.

Ismail Koyuncu, the Rector of Istanbul Technical University, emphasized the significance of cooperation with BSU, Azerbaijan's first and largest higher education institution. He highlighted Istanbul Technical University's strong potential in engineering, as well as BSU's excellence in the field of exact sciences. Consequently, collaborative projects in the best interests of our fraternal countries will be implemented.

Istanbul Technical University is the world's third-oldest technical university dedicated to engineering sciences as well as social sciences recently, and is one of the most prominent educational institutions in Turkey.


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