Round table on "Development of human rights: international and national experience"


Baku State University's Law Faculty, UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Information Law,  marking International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2015, facilitated and took part in a roundtable discussion  on "Development of human rights: international and national experience".

The event was attended by representatives of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Office of the Human Rights (Ombudsman), the State Oil Company, the Scientific Research Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, international non-governmental organizations, independent lawyers, masters and students.

Prof. Amir Aliyev, Dean of Law Faculty, Head of UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Information Law, delivered a report "Advocacy and teaching human rights as the main means in this field."

The round table continued in three sections: "Theoretical Foundations of Human Rights", "Experience in Protecting Human Rights" and "Information Law: Theoretical and Practical Issues", 30 scientific reports were heard.

Press and Information Department, 15 December 2017.


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