Scientific seminar titled "Prospects of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Azerbaijan" held at BSU


A seminar on the topic "Prospects of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Azerbaijan" was held at the Biological Faculty of Baku State University (BSU).

Associate Professor Sevinj Gumbatova talked about the causes of climate change and stated that environmental issues such as carbon emissions, pollution, and global warming threaten the health of the world's population. She noted that transitioning to a green economy, supporting initiatives in renewable energy, and educating local communities are important factors in addressing these problems.

The speaker emphasized the importance of adopting the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in solving climate issues. According to Sevinj Gumbatova, this year Azerbaijan will host the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), and 2024 has been declared in the country as the "Green World Solidarity Year". Due to its geographical and climatic conditions, Azerbaijan has high potential in green energy. COP29 will play an important role in shaping the international community's opinion on Azerbaijan's policy in the field of green economy and attracting capital to the country.


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