
Education Minister Misir Mardanov, NANA President Mahmud Kerimov, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission Arif Mehtiyev, the Rector of Baku branch of the MSU Nargiz Pashayeva, and heads of state authorities participated at the event.

At the beginning, there was an opening of bas-relief and learning laboratory at the Geology Faculty. Then, the commemorative event continued at the Assembly Hall of BSU, on which stage the books of Sh. Mehtiyev had been exposed.

The Academician Sh. Mehtiyev was born on December, 15, 1910 in South Azerbaijan, in 1914 he moved to Baku, in 1934 graduated from the Mining Faculty of the Azerbaijan Oil Institute. Since 1933, he worked in the oil industry system of Azerbaijan. In 1941-1944 he participated in the Great Patriotic War, and since 1944 worked at the Institute of Geology, where he passed the way from a postgraduate till a principal. In 1958-1965, he was a Rector of the Azerbaijan State University, and since 1965 until the end of life he led the Geology Department of Oil and Gas at the Institute Of Geology, and at the same time, Sh. Mehtiyev was a Head and a Professor of Department of Geology and Prospecting of Oil and Gas Fields in the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy.

Researches of Sh. Mehtiyev covered a wide range of the most actual problems of petroleum-geological science and practice; he gained unique results in many of them, which have been repeatedly included in a number of the most important achievements of science. Sh. Mehtiyev stood as a talented teacher, giving special courses on Geology and Geochemistry of oil and gas, General Geology at the Universities of Baku till the last days of his life. 10 Doctors and more than 60 Candidates of Geology-Mineral sciences have been prepared by him. He repeatedly gave talks on actual problems of petroleum-geological sciences at the world most important oil and geological congresses in Russia, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France and other countries.

In his speech, the Rector of the BSU, the Academician Abel Maharramov said that centenary of Sh. Mehtiyev is celebrated amenably to the appropriate order of the President Ilham Aliyev. According to the words of A. Maharramov, during the Academician Sh. Mehtiyev’s leadership of the BSU the quality of study at the University increased, the interest to science got bigger, and teachers became more concerned about students.

Then, the NANA Corresponding Member Vasif Babazade, the Dean of Geology Faculty Adil Hasayev, the Minister of Education Misir Mardanov, Vice-President of NANA Akif Alizade gave talks. The Head of Department Abuzer Halafov, the Dean Museib Museibovalso shared their memories of Sh. Mehtiyev, and the BSU students read his poems. The son of Sh. Mehtiyev, Arif Mehtiyev spoke at the end of the event, thanking the President of the State for signing Jubilee decree. A. Mehtiyev also expressed appreciation to the Minister of Education Misir Mardanov and the Rector of the BSU Abel Maharramov.




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