Summer internship for BSU students at Holon Institute of Technology, Israel


Starting from the 2020/2021 academic year, the training on "Computer Science and Technology" within the framework of the BSU SABAH master's programs is carried out on the basis of the program of the Holon Institute of Technology.
5 graduate students from BSU took part in the summer internship program at the Holon Technological University from July 17 to 24. The summer internship was organized in cooperation with BSU, the Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Holon Technological Institute.
Professor Eduard Yakubov, President of the Holon Institute of Technology,  met with BSU students during their visit. He spoke about the main activities of the Institute and the benefits of studying here. As part of the summer school, students got acquainted with the technoparks of Israel, where innovative technologies are used.
Students who successfully completed the summer internship program were awarded a certificate from the Holon Institute of Technology.


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