Summer school on Modern trends in quantum science and technologies: from quantum materials to quantum information has kicked off at BSU


Baku State University (BSU) and the Volkswagen Foundation will jointly hold an International Summer School on Modern trends in quantum science and technologies: from quantum materials to quantum information from September 22 to October 22 (

Series of lectures for the broad auditorium of young researchers (e.g. Master and PhD students, young postdocs and research associates from Central Asia, Caucasus and neighboring regions), as well as senior scientists from the developing countries working on different areas of condensed matter physics, quantum information, material science, statistical and mathematical physics will be presented by invited lecturers. Invited lecturers are the world-wide well-known experts on the above topics. The lectures will cover such topics as graphene and its applications, Majorana fermions, topological insulators, quantum hall effect, quantum entanglement, quantum quenches, quantum computing, quantum communications, quantum metrology and others.

The aim of this Summer School is bringing together advanced ideas, novel results, problems and prospects of modern quantum science with special focus on their practical applications in quantum technology. The latter is new and advanced area of physics and engineering, based on the use some of the phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, quantum superposition and quantum tunneling and interference effects for practical applications on quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, high precision quantum metrology and quantum imaging.


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