The Azerbaijani-Korean Information Center will be updated


Today the rector of Baku State University (BSU), academician Abel Maharramov received the representatives of the National Information Society Agency of Korea.  The rector, academician Abel Maharramov noted that South Korea was one of the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan's independence and expressed satisfaction over the development of the Azerbaijan-South Korea bilateral relations in various fields. The rector of Baku State University also gave information about the history of the university, international relations, grants and programs.

Executive Director of the Korean National Information Society Agency Myungha Hong thanked the rector for the warm welcome and noted that the purpose of the visit was to monitor the Azerbaijani-Korean Information Center, which was established at BSU 4 years ago. The guests noted that they visited the Center and decided to  update it. The rector Abel Maharramov, in turn, supported the proposal of the Korean side and expressed  willingness for cooperation.

At the end of the meeting sides signed an agreement. According to this agreement  the Azerbaijani-Korean Information Center update will be completed  by the end of the August.

Priced at 100.000$ works of the Center renewal will be accomplished by the Korean company gratuitously.

Press and Information Department, BSU, May 21, 2012.


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