The extended meeting of Academic Council has been held at BSU


The extended meeting of Academic Council of BSU has been held on 5th of April. There have participated Members of Presidium of the ANSA, members of Academic Council of BSU, well-known scientists and media representatives. Rector of the University, academic Abel Maharramov noted that national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev paid close attention to development of science and education, and nowadays the present president Ilham Aliyev continued his politics.

At meeting vice-rector on scientific affairs prof.I.A.Aliyev’s has delivered report on carried on work in the last year. It was declared that during last year 1151 works on 221 actual topics of 81 specializations carried out at BSU. Last year university professors and associate professors published 65 monographies, 101 books, 107 text-books , 114 training aids, 2747 articles (1999 articles within republic,748 articles abroad), 1497 thesis (747 thesis within republic, 750 thesis abroad), 47 methodic guides and 216 curricula. 502 from 748 articles published abroad are from are in natural science,246 are on humanities.

Baku State University received 9 patents. Books written by members of the faculties of physics, history, philology, international relations and international law, issued by «Springer» (Germany), "Science" (Russia), Turkish publishing.

Grant program "50 +50 was established within the Baku State University for the development of science and education. 35 international and intra-scientific projects were implemented by BSU staff.

Competition winners in the nominations, the “Chair of the Year, "" Academic of the Year" and others were awarded.

Press-service, 06 april 2011-th year.



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