The presentation of the book “The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict - A Legal Analysis” written by German scholar Heiko Krueger was held at the Baku State University


On February 23, 2012, the presentation of the book “The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict - A Legal Analysis” written by German scholar Heiko Krueger was held at the Baku State University.

The event began with a moment of silence for the victims of the Khojaly genocide.

Academician Abel Maharramov, the rector of the Baku Sate University, opened the ceremony with an introductory speech. He informed about Khojaly genocide and its victims and noted that the Azerbaijani people would always commemorate Khojaly victims. Abel Maharramov said that European policy applied “double standards” in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement. “But some foreign scholars reflects historical eventsas they happened” noted Abel Maharramov mentioned the book “The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict - A Legal Analysis”. 
In his book, Mr.Krueger talks about historical outline and legal significance of the conflict, as well as, the UN resolutions and current situation of the peace negotiation.
'International organizations and third countries are seen o be playing a double-handed game which, as in previous centuries, is concerned with security strategic spheres of influence and natural resources in the Caucasus region and in burgeoning Azerbaijan in particular', - says the author at the introduction of the book.

A photo exhibition was then held, where the participants studied numerous photographic about Khojaly tragedy.

Press and Information Department, 23 February, 2012.


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