Virtual Forum AEF


1 December, 2010 - the date of the OSCE Summit in Astana - also marks the beginning of the unique project “VIRTUAL FORUM AEF” that is launched by the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists at the Astana Economic Forum website. Its purpose is to unite today's well-known scientists, business community, government authorities not only of Kazakhstan but of the whole world.

The “Virtual Forum” is the unique system that allows Internet users all over the world to participate in the following electronic system AEF:

1. Expert review
2. Debates
3. Business projects
4. Polls
5. Discussions - Internet forum (launched in 2009)

The project has been already supported by:
- Nobel laureates; 
- The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Executive Secretary Jan Kubis;      
- The members of the International Union of Economists from 56 countries;
- The scientists and experts from 51 countries;
- The Government and business society of Kazakhstan.

The virtual forum is open for people, from various social groups and all countries, who are interested in development of the world economy and their own one.

You have a chance to become a part of the up-to-date intellectual platform and get an opportunity to discuss easily key issues of economy and business with the Nobel Prize laureates from different scientific fields and look at the economic science in a different light.

Take part in the Virtual Forum AEF and influence the global challenges of new decade!

Be in the trends of events!!!

1. Expert review

Expert review is a platform for scientists and experts interested in regular publications of materials in “Virtual Forum” system on following themes: world economy, world financial and exchange architecture, competitiveness, innovations, small & medium enterprises, integration, economic modeling, social economic policy and other sections.

The system allows to download materials and also evaluate and leave your comments. The materials of those authors, non-participants of EECSA will automatically participate in the relevant contest of the Association for rewards and memorable diploma.

The materials with high rates will be published in professional economy magazines “Economy. Finance. Researches”, “Eurasian economic view” and other international magazines.

By the time of system launching (1 December, 2010) the section Expert review would be supplemented with the following reports and articles:

- Factors of innovational development of Kazakhstan, Toksanova A.N.

- System of governmental control: for/against, Essentugelov A.E.

- Prospects of the “SONA” system, Bayzakov S.B.

- Single economic zone: a way to the future, Alpysbayeva S.N.

- Influence of the world economy on Kazakhstan, Alpysbayeva S.N.

- Issues of competition increase of Kazakhstan, Zhakupova Sh.Sh.

In order to place materials until the 1st of December you have to sent your articles and papers by e-email at:

For receiving the comments, letters were sent to the laureates of the Nobel prize. The answer is pending. The inclusion of other materials from state structure and business representatives is also possible.

2. Debates

Electronic debates is a unique platform for two or three confronting groups that can discuss the urgent issues of economy, business, policy and other spheres. The idea is to discuss different views of participants and to achieve a common consensus. Participants who hold to a certain position can unite to groups and discuss the folowing themes:




The parties have a chance to invite different economic schools, political parties and independent participants who is ready to hold to a certain position and reach a common compromise  together with initiators and  main participants of debates.

The section “electronic debate” is aimed at joint resolutions of urgent social, economic, investment and political issues in different parts of the world.

In order to place themes for debates until the 1st of December 2010 you may sent your themes at

By the time of system launching (1 December, 2010) the section Debates would be supplemented with the following reports and articles:

Section: World financial and monetary architecture

- There is a need to establish a single world currency.

Section: Foreign economy policy

Kazakhstan as a reliableWTO member would be open for importers.

Section: Competitiveness

-  Competitive advantages of countries define development rates on the world market.

Section: small & medium-sized business

-  There is a need to establish a single system of small & medium-sized business accounting for effective support and finance of small and medium-sized businesses on different levels of development and growth.

Other sections that would be suggested by individuals are also possible.

3. Business projects

Business projects - a platform for projects promotion of organizations and individuals: investment, social, innovative, entrepreneurs and small & medium-sized business.

The platform allows to discuss the urgent issues of project, to get consultations of experts, evaluations and comments of users and, most importantly, raise investments for project realization.

On the 1st of December 2010 the section Debates would be supplemented with following reports and articles:

- Scientific-research database “Zertteu”

- Perspective projects from the site AEF section “Projects 2011”

- In order to place projects until the 1st of December you have to sent your works by e-email at:

Projects of Investment committee, National Innovational Fund and other organizations that deal with projects investment will be placed after confirmation.

At the present time, we prepare letters for companies (request has already sent to the state authorities) in order to attract them to “Business projects” section.

4. Polls

Electronic polls - a platform for constant feedback with society. The system allows to survey users on different themes of activities of Kazakhstan and other countries.

Anyone can evaluate and leave a comment here.

On the 1st of December 2010 the section Debates would be supplemented with following reports and articles:

Section: World economy and Finance

1. Is the absence of effective single world currency can be disadvantage of the world economy functioning?

Answers: yes/no/perhaps (might be)

2. Is there a need of the world currency in the nearest time?

Answers:  yes/no/perhaps (might be)

  1. Which organization must be the main implementer of the new world currency architecture?

-World Bank;

-International Monetary Fund;

-Islamic Bank of Development;

-New organization that includes representatives of all central Banks of country;

-Eurasian Economy Club of Scientists;


Section: Astana Economic School

1. Can Astana Economic School unite the world schools and scientists to eliminate efficient architecture of new currency?

Answers: yes/no/perhaps (might be)

  1. Can Astana stand as an integrator of the World Bank, Monetary Fund, Central Banks and other financial institutions for global project “Establishment of new World currency” realization?

Answers: yes/no/perhaps (might be)

In order to place surveys until the 1st of December 2010 you may sent your surveys at

Issues would be supplemented according to the suggestions from individuals or groups which are interested in it.

5. AEF Internet Forum

The platform for electronic discussions is Internet-Forum of Astana economic forum that is functioning from 2009.

Internet-Forum of Astana economic forum subdivided into 2 main sections:

1) Electronic discussions on 3 languages in the framework of Astana economic club work.

2) Discussions of the social network by the registered participants of the Astana economic forum.

Internet forum offers a peculiar platform for assessment and articles discussions, reports, urgent issues and initiatives concerning the global economic development, trade, investments, integration and other spheres of Kazakhstan development and the world economy.

The main idea of Internet forum is to give an opportunity for researches, economists, business community and society in Kazakhstan and abroad to express their opinion, participate, contribute and just be informed in economic, social and cultural issues to benefit to effective, safe and “green” economy for the next generation.

The best works and participation would be rewarded by the EECSA and given a memorable diploma on the closing ceremony of Astana Economic Forum, as well as the best works would be published in the “Economy. Finance. Researches” magazine and website.

Internet Forum is at web-site.

You can participate in Internet discussions right now by clicking the link above or to sent us your materials to


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