«Vətən dili» («Native Speech») book discussion held at BSU


Baku State University (BSU) has hosted a discussion of the new edition of the textbook "Vətən dili" ("Native Speech"), released on the initiative of the ADA University. Head of the Department of Arabic Philology of BSU Vugar Garadaghly  is the author of notes and comments of the "Vətən dili" book.

BSU Rector Elchin Babayev made opening speech. He said that under Rector Hafiz Pashayev’s supervision ADA University has implemented a number projects such as reprinting «Azerbaijan" newspapers in Latin alphabets, published in 1918-1920; reissuing the "Vətən dili" («Native Speech») textbook, published at the end of the 19th century; restoration of the historical building of the Gazakh Teacher's Seminary as well as ‘Manifesto of one teacher’ project. Elchin Babayev stressed that it has played an indispensable role in the preservation and promotion of our cultural heritage.

Vice-Rector of ADA University Fariz Ismayilzade noted that there is a multifaceted cooperation between BSU and ADA University, and these ties will expand in the coming years. Fariz Ismayilzade stressed that in recent years, BSU and ADA University have been successfully cooperating in the introducing the BLACKBOARD e-learning system and trainings in the Gazakh Teachers' Seminary.

Head of the Department of History of Russian Literature of BSU, Professor Adiba Pashayeva, Head of the Department of General Linguistics of BSU, full member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov, Dean of the Faculty of Philology Elchin Mammadov, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Aydan Khandan, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Tehsin Mutallimov, Head of the Department of Arabic Philology of BSU Vugar Garadaghly, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Azerbaijani Literature of BSU Meti Osmanoglu (Bayramli) made speeches at the event.


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