BSU professor attended round table "Cooperation of Caspian universities: 25 years of strategic partnership"
BSU professor attended round table "Cooperation of Caspian universities: 25 years of strategic partnership"
Today is Memory Day of prominent orientalist Aida Imanguliyeva
Today is Memory Day of prominent orientalist Aida Imanguliyeva
BSU scientist’s article published by authoritative international Journal of Mathematical Inequalities
BSU scientist’s article published by authoritative international Journal of Mathematical Inequalities
International student enrollment has doubled at BSU in 2021-2022
International student enrollment has doubled at BSU in 2021-2022
BSU Rector observed work of The College of Economics& Humanities at BSU
BSU Rector observed work of The College of Economics& Humanities at BSU
BSU, Samarkand State University sign cooperation agreement
BSU, Samarkand State University sign cooperation agreement
BSU scientist makes presentation as invited speaker during international conference
BSU scientist makes presentation as invited speaker during international conference
Curriculum on Gender Equality in Public Service has been published
Curriculum on Gender Equality in Public Service has been published
BSU Professor’s scientific article published by Communications in statistics – Theory and Methods Journal
BSU Professor’s scientific article published by Communications in statistics – Theory and Methods Journal
Physical Review D Journal has published scientific article by BSU scientist
Physical Review D Journal has published scientific article by BSU scientist
BSU Professor attended international conference "NUCLEUS-2021"
BSU Professor attended international conference "NUCLEUS-2021"
BSU, Satbayev Kazakh Technical University sign cooperation agreement
BSU, Satbayev Kazakh Technical University sign cooperation agreement
Azerbaijan's education returns to traditional form
Azerbaijan's education returns to traditional form
Lotfi Zadeh Memorial Day
Lotfi Zadeh Memorial Day
Journal LAPLAGE EM REVISTA publishes article by BSU scientist
Journal LAPLAGE EM REVISTA publishes article by BSU scientist
BSU has been included in The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022
BSU has been included in The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022
BSU scientist’s paper on SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) vaccines published by authoritative international journal
BSU scientist’s paper on SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) vaccines published by authoritative international journal
Baku State University to cooperate with University of Lahore
Baku State University to cooperate with University of Lahore
Article on respiratory tract cancers by BSU scientist published by The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Article on respiratory tract cancers by BSU scientist published by The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Articles and theses concerning "Building a new economy in Karabakh: development impulses from Agdam" Conference must be submitted by September 10, 2021
Articles and theses concerning "Building a new economy in Karabakh: development impulses from Agdam" Conference must be submitted by September 10, 2021