
NoObs team of BSU will represent Azerbaijan in the Imagine Cup 2015 World Finals in Seattle
The names of  the  national final winners of the Imagine Cup Innovation Competition were made public
Baku State University has been ranked first amongst Azerbaijan universities in the URAP 2014-2015 World University Ranking
Baku State University is ranked as the 1st University in Azerbaijan and 1872 in the URAP 2014-2015 World University Ranking
Masters of BSU have been trained under the project ECONANO
In late May, finished 3-month internship of 12 masters (including 6 students from BSU), participated in the project ECONANO under the Tempus program of the European Union
Baku State University and Shanghai University signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Rector of BSU, academician Abel Maharramov met with delegation of the Shanghai University headed by Xia Xiaohu
BSU and Selcuk University signed Mevlana Exchange Agreement
Rector of BSU, academician Abel Maharramov met the rector of Selcuk University of Turkey, professor Hakki Gokbel
The event “Support for the Baku 2015 first European Games” has been held at BSU
The event titled “Baku-2015: Support for the first European Games” has been held at BSU
FAO Director-General awarded Honorary Diploma of Doctor at Baku State University
Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Jose Graziano da Silva was awarded a Diploma of Honorary Doctor of the BSU
Media Training for BSU students
The Azercell Telecom has organized regular training for students of  Journalism Department
Czech Deputy FM visits Baku State University
A delegation led by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Petr Drulak has visited BSU
Representative of Korea Foundation visits Baku State University
Executive Vice-President of the Korea Foundation, Dr. Keum-Jin Yoon has visited BSU
Project of Nanotechnology Laboratory received a Gold Medal in US
Documentary “Targeting Baku. How Hitler Lost the Battle for Oil” was presented at BSU
Documentary “Targeting Baku. How Hitler Lost the Battle for Oil” was presented at the Baku State University
Professors from Saarland University visit BSU
Head of the Central Isotope Laboratory/Laboratory of Biophysics and Head of Biochemistry Department have visited BSU to meet with Azerbaijani colleagues
Georgian scientist visits Baku State University
Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, professor and corresponding member of Georgian Academy of Sciences Apollon Silagadze and scientific secretary Nino Ejibadze have visited BSU
A conference "The contribution of Heydar Aliyev to the development of Higher Law Education and Science" was held at BSU
An international scientific-practical conference "The contribution of Heydar Aliyev  to the development  of Higher Law Education and Science"  dedicated  to the 92-th anniversary of National leader Heydar Aliyev was held at BSU
Meeting with Vietnamese graduates of Baku State University
Vietnamese Delegation headed by Tran Dinh Nha, head of the Vietnam-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship Group and Vice Head of the Vietnam National Assembly Committee on National Defense and Security has visited BSU
Chikako Aso, the wife of a Japanese Deputy Prime Minister meets with BSU students
Chikako Aso,  the wife of a Japanese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Tarō Asō has visited Baku State University to meet with students who learn Japanese
Representative of Baku State University attends conference in Kyrgyzstan
Head of International Relations Department of BSU Elmira Ismayilova has attended the final conference on DOQUP project held in Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn
Cooperation between BSU and Tulane University (USA) becomes stronger
Meeting dedicated to "Future cooperation in the field of energy law  and maritime" between  Baku State University Law faculty and Tulane University  was held at BSU
Rector of the National University of Quilmes visits BSU
Rector of the National University of Quilmes Dr. Mario Lozano has visited Baku State University