
100 years anniversary to Azerbaijan State University in Baku at 2019
100 years anniversary to Azerbaijan State University in Baku at 2019
Academician Abel Maharramov attended international conference in Spain
Azerbaijani Culture Center opens in Chine with support of BSU
Azerbaijani Culture Center opens in Chine with support  of BSU
International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists on “Role of Sustainable Health Tourism in the Economy of Country”
International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists on “Role of Sustainable Health Tourism in the Economy of Country” will be held on 10-12 December, 2018 in Baku.
BSU and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg agreedon granting of double diplomas to PhD students
Baku State University and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg have signed memorandum on granting of double diplomas to PhD students in Law.
8th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (IECMSA-2019) will be devoted to 100th anniversary of BSU
Rector of Baku State University (BSU), academician Abel Maharramov has met with Murat Tosun, professor at Sakarya University.
Academician Abel Maharramov elected as a member of the Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal
Academician Abel Maharramov elected as a member of the Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal
Professor Nargiz Pashayeva admitted as permanent member of University of Oxford Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors
Baku State University attended 12th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition “Education-2018”
Baku State University in QS World University Rankings
Academician Abel Maharramov became coordinator of nanotechnology research in Azerbaijan
A joint field session of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences  (ANAS) and Academic Council of Baku State University was held in the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory.
To the attention of students (for one semester) from the faculties of History, Journalism, Social Sciences and Psychology, Mathematics, Literature, and Linguistics!!!
To the attention of students (for one semester) from the faculties of History, Journalism, Social Sciences and Psychology, Mathematics, Literature and Linguistics!!!
BSU scholars participated in international conference in Czech Republic
BSU scholars participated in international conference in Czech Republic.
Malay will be taught at BSU
Rector of Baku State University (BSU), academician Abel Maharramov met with rectorof UNIDA Gontor, Prof. Dr. KH Amal Fathullahand Vice Rector  Dr. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi.
New call for student/staff mobility for the Spring semester of 2018-2019 academic year under Erasmus+ KA107 ICM to the Yildiz Technical University is open!
New call for student/staff mobility for the Spring semester of 2018-2019 academic year under Erasmus+ KA107 ICM to the Yildiz Technical University is open!
Abel Maharramov has been elected as member of Science Committee of 17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece in June 2019 by the Association of Greek Chemists   and the Division of Chemistry and the Environment   of European Chemical Sciences.
Delegation of Charles University visits BSU
Rector of Baku State University, academician Abel Maharramov met with Dean of the Faculty of Science of Charles University Prof. Jiří Zima.
Cooperation between BSU and Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland) will continue to develop
Cooperation between BSU and Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland) will continue to develop
Rector Abel Maharramov takes part in 13th Conference of Black Sea Universities Network
The Black Sea Universities Network and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki organized the BSUN 2018 Congress & 13th Conference of Rectors from the Black Sea Region between 18th and 19th of June, 2018, in Thessaloniki, Greece
Professor of Kumamoto University (Japan) visits BSU
Rector of BSU, academician Abel Maharramov has received Hirotaka Ihara, Professor of Kumamoto University in the field of  Applied Chemistry & Biochemistry