"Big ethnographic dictation" held at BSU
"Big ethnographic dictation" held at BSU
Professor Irada Aliyeva takes part in MSUE’s 145th anniversary celebration
Associate Professor of Ecological Chemistry TI Aliyeva participated in the international conference "Intercultural Dialogues"
Tarana Aliyeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Soil Science of Baku State University, participated at the International Conference on Intercultural Dialogues by the invitation of Telavi State University named after Iakov Gogebashvili on October 27-28, 2017 and delivered a report on the topic of "Ecological exploration on Astara natural waters in Azerbaijan"
BSU vice-rector attends BSUN Executive Board Meeting
Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) Executive Board Meeting was held in Chisinau
BSU will cooperate with Istinye University
Rector of BSU met with the delegation headed by the adviser of the rector of Istinye University Professor Goksel Ashan
BSU and Humboldt University signed agreement within ERASMUS + KAO1 program
A delegation led by Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Auch, head of the Chair for the History of Azerbaijan, Humboldt University of Berlin has visited Baku State University
BSU hosts conference "The role of women in the Azerbaijani science"
BSU hosts conference "The role of women in the Azerbaijani science"
BSU is represented at 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition
BSU is represented at 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition
7th Korean Language Speech Contest held at BSU
The 7th Korean Language Speech Contest was held at BSU
2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology based on applications for the environment-NINE2017 took place in Rome
2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology based on applications for the environment-NINE2017 took place in Rome
BSU and Charles University celebrate 45th anniversary of cooperation
BSU and Charles University celebrate 45th anniversary of cooperation
The 16th Japanese Language Speech Contest held at BSU
Meeting within “RETHINK” project held at BSU
Meeting within “RETHINK” project held at BSU
BSU is awarded with Vietnam State Award
BSU is awarded with Vietnam State Award
PhD student of BSU Nanoresearch laboratory conducts research in Japan
PhD student of BSU Nanoresearch laboratory, AlmaraRahimli, carries out research work at the Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of Kumamoto University, Japan.
Japanese government financed overhaul of four auditoriums of BSU
Japanese government financed overhaul of four auditoriums of BSU
Politburo member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee visits BSU
Canadian Minister visits Baku State University
Canadian Minister visits Baku State University
Baku State University established 98 years ago
Baku State University established 98 years ago
Bas-relief to first Azerbaijani rector of BSU is opened in Baku
Bas-relief to first Azerbaijani rector of BSU is opened in Baku