
BSU hosts workshop on “Importance of civil service system”
BSU hosts workshop on “Importance of civil service system”
According to "Thomson Reuters" the growth rate of BSU scientists publication increases in the last years
Valentin Bogorov, Director of the Education Programs of the “Thomson Reuters” Department of Scientific Researches and Intellectual Property, Oleg Utkin, Thomson Reuters Agency representative on CIS countries and and Aygun Babazade, Representative for Azerbaijan has visited  BSU
BSU celebrates Day of National Salvation
An event dedicated to the Day of National Salvation was held at Baku State University
Nobel Prize winner visits BSU
Nobel Prize laureate, professor at the University of North Carolina Aziz Sancar has visited BSU
Associated Professor of Binghamton University visits History Department of BSU
Project implemented at Nano Research laboratory wins the first place in the “26th International Research Projects Contest”
Project implemented at Nano Research laboratory wins the first place in the “26th International Research Projects Contest”
BSU holds seminar on geographic information systems
BSU and Police Academy will cooperate in the field of education and science
BSU student becomes winner of “Made in Azerbaijan-2017” competition
The fourth-year student of Baku State University Gunay Abdullaeva was awarded the second prize of “Made in Azerbaijan-2017” competition
Romanian delegation participating to first Azerbaijan-Romania Education Forum visits BSU
Liviu Dan Miron,  the vice-rector of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iași, Romania), İonel Mangalagiu, the vice-rector of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (Iaşi, Romania) and Mihaela Iancu, Diplomatic Counselor, Embassy of Romania in Azerbaijan has visited BSU
Vice-Rector Irada Aliyeva attends the 2nd Forum of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan
Vice-Rector Irada Aliyeva attends the 2nd Forum of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan
Romanian ambassador visits BSU
Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev becomes a winner of Gizil Chinar International Award
Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev becomes a winner of Gizil Chinar International Award
First Deputy Minister of Egypt visits BSU
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia delivered a lecture at Baku State University
BSU hosts fourth Korean music festival "Baku K-POP"
Chinese Ambassador gave a lecture at BSU
Republican scientific conference "2017 - Year of Islamic solidarity: realities, perspectives" held at BSU
Physicists from the world`s leading universities and research institutions gather at BSU
Physicists from the world`s leading universities and research institutions gather at BSU
An International Conference "Modern Trends in Physics" will be held at BSU
An International Conference "Modern Trends in Physics" will be held at BSU