Confucius Institute at Baku State University marks Children's Day
The Confucius Institute at the Baku State University (BSU) has organized a celebrative event to mark the 10th anniversary of the International Confucius Institute and the Children's Day
Strengthening Education in Space-based REMOte sensing for monitoring of eco systems in Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan.
SESREMO is a project within the framework of the TEMPUS programme
Pakistani Ambassador visits BSU
Pakistani ambassador to Azerbaijan Khalid Usman has visited Baku State University to meet rector, academician Abel Maharramov
Baku State University, U.S. Tulane University discuss bilateral cooperation
Rector of the BSU has met with Professor of the Practice and Executive Director of the U.S. Tulane University Herbert Larson and Dean of the Law School and Mitchell Franklin Professor of Law David Meyer to discuss the bilateral cooperation
BSU, Bartin University sign cooperation deal
BSU and Turkish Bartin University have signed a memorandum of cooperation that will see the two higher educational institutions build and expand academic and cultural relations
OPTEC Representative visits BSU
Rector of Baku State University (BSU), academician Abel Maharramov met with Maxim Igelnik, OPTEC General Manager in Russia, CIS and Republic of Georgia and Natalia Gamzaeva, Chief of OPTEC representative office in Azerbaijan
BSU signs Cooperation Agreement with 19 Turkish universities
Baku State University have signed Cooperation Agreement with the Turkish Universities
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Takao MAKINO visits BSU
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Takao MAKINO visited Baku State University to met with rector, academician Abel Maharramov
Chinese delegation visits Baku State University
Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Global Times newspaper Hu Xijin and Deputy Huang Lei have visited BSU to meet rector Abel Maharramov
The Confucius Institute under Baku State University held Chinese Song Contest
In order to improve students’ Chinese language proficiency and arouse their interest in learning Chinese, the Confucius Institute at Baku State University held Chinese Song Contest, dedicated to the third anniversary of the opening of the Confucius Institute at BSU and the 10th anniversary of founding of the Confucius Institute
European experts at BSU
Representatives of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and 4 German experts visited Baku State University to evaluate LL.M. program in European Law
Confucius Institute under the Baku State University and ADA University sign a Cooperation Agreement
ADA University and the Confucius Institute under the Baku State University have signed a cooperation agreement that will see the organization of Chinese language classes for ADA students and promotion of Chinese language and culture
BSU teachers from Journalism Faculty see multimedia journalism in practice during London visit
Azerbaijani journalists from broadcast and print media, Chief of Press and Information Department of Baku State University Parvana İbrahimova and BSU Journalism Faculty teacher Konul Niftaliyeva were hosted by the Thomson Foundation in London for a five-day visit as part of a business journalism training programme
The representatives of of Swiss branch of american corporation Thermo Fisher Scientific visited BSU
Rector of BSU academician Abel Maharramov received the representatives of of Swiss branch of american corporation Thermo Fisher Scientific
BSU and Thomson Reuters expand cooperation
Rector of BSU met with representatives of the Thomson Reuters Metin Tundja, Shahruz Sharifrazi and Yassir Tuham
A presentation on Tempus Econano project was held at Baku State University
A presentation on Tempus Econano project to modernize Azerbaijan's Environmental Engineering academic masters' curricula was held at Baku State University
Baku State University and the St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo sign a Memorandum of Understanding
Azerbaijan and Bulgaria have signed three bilateral documents on cooperation in the fields of education, finance and environment after the two countries` Prime Ministers Artur Rasizade and Plamen Oresharski met in Baku
Kazakh Ambassador visits Baku State University
Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan Amangeldi Jumabayev has visited Baku State University
Chairman of Mazhilis of Kazakh Parliament visits Baku State University
Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan Nurlan Nigmatulin has today visited Baku State University
AzerTAc, Confucius Institute under the BSU have today sign cooperation agreement
AzerTAc and Confucius Institute under the Baku State University have today signed a cooperation agreement