
NATO officials visits BSU
The NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women visited BSU.
Pro-rector of La Sapienza University visits Baku State University
Pro-Rector of the Cooperation and International Relations, La Sapienza University of Rome, has visited BSU.
Baku State University, Ukrainian National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use ink cooperation agreement
Baku State University and Ukrainian National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use have signed an agreement on cooperation.
Professor Mohammed Ramazanov visits Japan
A delegation of the Baku State University led by Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Professor Mohammed Ramazanov has visited Japan.
Italian scientist gave a lecture at BSU
Guido Lenzi gave a lecture to the students of International Relations and Economics Faculty at BSU.
La Sapienza University will create a unique laboratory at BSU
Rector of  Baku State University (BSU), academician Abel Maharramov has met  delegation of  The Sapienza University of Rome led by  Professor Aldo Morrone, the CEO of the Institute of Physical Therapy.
International Conference on “Innovative problems of Modern Biology” devoted to memory of academician Zarifa Aliyeva
The 3d International Conference of Young Scientists on “Innovative problems of Modern Biology” devoted to 90th birthday anniversary of outstanding scientist,  academician Zarifa Aliyeva was held  in Faculty of Biology.
Professor of Middle East Technical University visits Baku State University
Professor of chemical faculty at the Middle East Technical University (Turkey)  Cihangir Tanyeli has visited Baku State University (BSU). 
BSU hosts event commemorating national leader Heydar Aliyev
An event “Heydar Aliyev - World-renowned alumnus of the Baku State University” marking the 90th jubilee of national leader Heydar Aliyev has started at the Baku State University (BSU).
President of the International Information Nobel Center visits BSU
Rector of Baku State University (BSU), academician Abel Maharramov met with Professor Dr. Vyacheslav Tyutyunnik, President of the International Information Nobel Center, Academy of Natural Sciences ( Russia).
Riga Technical University delegation visits BSU
A delegation led by the rector of  Riga Technical University Leonid Ribiskis has today visited BSU.
Iraqi ambassador visits Baku State University
Iraqi ambassador to Azerbaijan Heydar Shiya Gubeysi al-Barrak has visited the Baku State University to meet its rector, MP, Academician Abel Maharramov. 
Presentation of a Turkish-Azerbaijani dictionary of law terms
Presentation of  a Turkish-Azerbaijani dictionary of law terms was held at BSU.
Baku State University and Slovakian College in Sládkovicovo sign agreement on cooperation
Baku  State University (BSU) and College in Sládkovičovo (Vysoká škola v Sládkovičove) has signed an agreement on cooperation, as rector of the College, Chairman of the Scientific, Educational, Youth and Sport Committee of the Parliament Mojmíra Mamojku has today visited Baku State University.
Baku State University, Ankara University a Memorandum of Understanding
Rector of Baku State University, academician Abel Maharramov and rector of Turkey`s Ankara University, Professor Erkan Ibish have singed a memorandum of understanding and agreement on joint cooperation under the “Mevlana exchange programme”.
Young Scientists’ Council was created at BSU
Young Scientists’ Council  was created at the Baku State University.
Turkish scientists visited BSU
Prof. Dr. Hasan Yetim, vice-rector of Erciyes University and Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ozkul, Genome and stem cells Center visited Baku State University.      
BSU Professor visits Romania
Dean of theFaculty of Physicsprof. M.Ramazanov visited Romania at theinvitation of the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN). Duringthevisit, Professor M.Ramazanovgavethelecture"On theprospects of nanotechnology in Azerbaijan» ( theFaculty of  Physics,University of Bucharest.
Scientists of Baku State University to attend CERN`s experience in Switzerland
At the initiative of the rector of Baku State University (BSU), academician Abel Maharramov scientists of the Baku State University will participate in the NA61/SHINE experience at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland.
Turkish ambassador visits Baku State University
Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Ismail Alper Coşkun visited Baku State University to meet its rector, MP Abel Maharramov.