Results for the “Best article on Arab Literature” competition were announced
In connection with the 73th anniversary of the outstanding oriental expert, first woman-doctor of science in Arab literature, professor Aida Imanguliyeva “Best article on Arab Literature” competition was conducted at BSU.
Ambassador of Bulgaria visited Baku State University
Rector of the BSU Abel Maharramov met with the newly appointed Ambassador of Bulgaria Maya Khristova.
Baku State University and University of Belgrade signed a memorandum of cooperation
The BSU and the University of Belgrade (Serbia) signed a memorandum of cooperation.
Pakistani experts gave lectures in BSU
Pakistani experts who attended Baku International Humanitarian Forum delivered lectures at the faculties of journalism, history and international relations of the BSU.
New MA Transnational Crime to be opened at Baku State University
Rector of BSU met with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jörg Albrecht, director at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg and Dr. Eliko Ciklauri-Lammich, coordinator for CIS and Georgia.
BSU signed agreements with universities of Turkey and Korea
Aygun Attar, rector of Giresun University and Chul Park, Rector of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies visited BSU.
Rector Abel Maharramov met with Nobel Prize laureates
Rector of BSU met with Nobel Prize laureates Rudolph Arthur Marcus and Robert Betts Laughlin.
The section meeting of the second humanitarian forum “New methodological approaches to globalisation processes in the XXI century” was held at Baku State University
The section meeting of the second humanitarian forum “New methodological approaches to globalisation processes in the XXI century” was held at BSU.
Rector of Korean Hankuk University of Foreign Studies visited Baku State University
Rector of Korean Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Park Chul and Dean for International Relations Tae Yeonb Jang visited BSU.
Nobel laureate George Smoot gave a lecture at BSU
Rector of BSU met with American astrophysicist, Nobel laureate George Smoot.
Baku State University signed a cooperation agreement with Argentinean and Bulgarian universities
A cooperation agreements between the National University of Argentina, Bulgarian university named after Clement Orhidsky and BSU were signed on October, 03.
Former Japanese vice-minister of foreign affairs Akiko Yamanaka visited Baku State University
Rector of BSU met with Former Japanese vice-minister of foreign affairs Akiko Yamanaka.
Conference on “Integration Processes in Sphere of Science and Education in the context of globalization” was held at Baku State University
Baku State University hosted the conference " Integration Processes in Sphere of Science and Education in the context of globalization". T
Indonesian ambassador visited Baku State University
Newly-appointed Indonesian ambassador Raden Prayono Atiyantos visited Baku State University.
Lithuanian guests visited Baku State University
Professor Rimantas Zhelvis, rector of the Educalogy University and Vilkaite Vilma, head of the Lithuanian language and culture center visited BSU .
Newly-appointed Korean Ambassador visited Baku State University
Rector of the BSU met with newly-appointed Korean ambassador to Azerbaijan Cho Suk-Inn.
Yunus Emre Turkish Culture Center to be opened at Baku State University
Rector of Baku State University academician Abel Maharramov met Coordinator of the Yunus Emre Institute Turkish Cultural Centers Yasin Tunc.
The employees BSU are in Finland
In the framework of EU FP7-INCO-2010-6 project “Nanotechnology platform for electronics and photonics” (NAPEP project) the next workshop of project participants was started in Oulu, Finland on 29 august 2012.
Azerbaijan-Korean Information Centre was opened after updating
Today, an opening ceremony was held in Baku State University after updating of Azerbaijan-Korean Information Centre.
Professor Mahammadali Ramazanov met with colleagues from Lausanne
Dean of Physics faculty, head of Department of Chemical physics of nanomaterials of Baku State University professor Dr.Ph.S. M.A. Ramazanov and leader scientists of Nanoresearch laboratory, dosent I.S.Ahmadov are visiting at the Laboratory of Complex Matter Physics of Lausanne Polytechnical Federal Institut (EPFL) since 1th August 2012 year in the framework of SCOPES programme (Project - IZ73Z0_128068) which is supporting Switzerland Science Academy.