BSU input into SDG policy development
BSU is actively involved both directly and indirectly in the creation of SDG policies and implementation processes. Since the academic year 2019/2020, we have been preparing specialists in the field of Sustainable Development Management. On the other hand, our experts, participate in a variety of SDG-related projects and conferences. Our university has been negotiating with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Youth and Sport for the opening of a Sustainable Development Goals Centre at the university since last year. We've reached the final step of the process, and we hope to open this centre in 2022. Our alumni (2021) Selcan Ibadzade are also involved in this process. Moreover, she is SDG Advocate and Youth Ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals in the framework of the project run by the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the UNDP.
Participating in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs
BSU is closely involved in the organization of events regarding SDG elements and SDGs. Governmental and international institutions, as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), are all involved in the collaboration. It can be seen in the example of the participation of employees of the chair of hydrometeorology, in projects implemented by the UN Development Program, the TACIS Program of the European Commission, the USAID organization of the USA, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and by the Melioration and Water Industry Open Joint-Stock Company. Additionally, the department of Gender and Applied Psychology takes part in international conferences, such as the worldwide feminine international conference 2020, additionally other relevant operations are held, namely with the UNDP Azerbaijan.
Participating in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs
Baku State University actively participates in such activities on a regular basis and seeks for opportunities to contribute as much as possible. A partnership agreement was recently signed with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to strengthen and measure women's activities in rural areas.
International collaboration and research
Experts and staff members from BSU took part in several international programs, including the Fulbright Visiting Scholarship Program on Sustainable Development Goals at Princeton University, SD Centre, Earth Institute, and Columbia University, where they discussed the creating of sustainability plan of BSU, the opportunities of opening Master Degree on Sustainable Development and the prospects of establishing the SDG centre with their colleagues while applying international experience in this field and they are currently involved in the process of creation of the SDG Centre at BSU.
Collaboration with NGOs tackling the SDGs
Baku State University collaborates with the Water Experts Union, UNDP, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to address climate change and its impact to water resources, as well as the Youth Ambassadors Program which promotes SDG goals through the mass media, holds training sessions and presentations in various institutions, participates in regional, national and international events and other relevant activities. Furthermore, the university staff takes part in different flood protection, early warning and disaster prevention projects.
Commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university
BSU has several systematic trainings or educational programs cantered on the SDGs. Simultaneously, some SDG-related topics are included in the relevant academic programs, such as "Introduction to Gender," " Sustainable Development Goals in Azerbaijan", “Green” and “Blue” Economy," "Food Security and Sustainable Development," "Urbanization and Urban Planning," and so on. Programs. For instance: "Introduction to Gender", "Sustainable development goals in Azerbaijan", "“Green” and “blue” economy", "Food security and sustainable development", "Urbanization and urban planning" and so on.
Courses addressing sustainability and the SDGs
Baku State University has launched a bachelor's degree program in "Sustainable Development Management" starting from the academic year 2019/2020. Specific subjects on certain SDG topics are also covered in the various study programs, as previously noted. For instance: "Introduction to Gender," "Azerbaijan's Sustainable Development Goals," "The Green and Blue Economy," "Food Security and Sustainable Development," "Urbanization and Urban Planning," and so on.
Outreach educational activities for the wider community
Despite the fact that BSU planned the implementation of relevant seminars and conferences, due to the reasons caused by COVİD-19 pandemic some conferences were postponed . As a result, the aforementioned factors hampered the completion of goals on time, but additional enhancements made them efficient to be held. However, the Faculty of Geography will hold the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference on "Geographical Problems of Sustainable Development in the Liberated Territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan" this year at Baku State University.

United Nations/Azerbaijan Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative: The Sun, Space Weather and Geosphere was jointly organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and
the Baku State University with the support of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) 31 October - 4 November 2022.The main objectives of this workshop are to continue efforts in the deployment of instruments in developing nations and interpretation of space weather data; to focus on new research results and findings; and at the same time aim at strengthening international coordination and cooperation on space weather products and services.
The expected outcomes of the workshop will be recommendations for improved collection, exchange and delivery of space weather data, as well as improved operational analysis, modelling and forecasting methods through the promotion of best practices, suggestions of means to improve accuracy, reliability and interoperability.
The discussions at the Workshop will also be linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to its targets set out for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The workshop will contribute to:
SDG 4: Quality Education: Continuation of the efforts in space weather education in order to better define and characterize severe space weather events and their probability of occurrence and assess their impacts on technological systems.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: In the area of protecting infrastructure from space weather. Effects on the ground can include damage and disruption to power distribution networks, increased pipeline corrosion, and degradation of radio communications.
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals: International coordination of operational space weather services, including monitoring, forecasting.
The observations and recommendations emanating from the workshop will be disseminated in form of report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) to the United Nations General Assembly.

Institutional Perimeter Inclusions
•    Satellite campuses
•    Museums
•    Polyclinic
•    Institute for Physical Problems
•    Institute of Applied Mathematics
•    Confucius Institute
•    Baku King Sejong Institute
•    Excellence Centre for Research, Development and Innovation
•    Azerbaijan-Korea Information Center
•    Russian Centre
•    Kazakh Centre named after Abay Kunanbayev
•    Cultural and Creative Centre
•    Sports and Health Centre
•    Centre for Organization and Management of Education Processes
•    Centre for Organization of Scientific Activities and Innovation
•    Centre for Information Technology
•    Educational TV and radio studio
•    UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Information Law
•    ICESCO Chair on Biomedical Materials
•    "Baku State University" publishing house
•    Baku State University printing house
•    Cafeterias (19&19, α+β+γ)
•    Scientific Research Laboratories within Excellence Centre for Research, Development and Innovation (Industrial Chemistry, Digital Research, Space and Atmospheric Research, Biotechnology and so on)
•    Centre for Student Scientific-Technical Creativity
•    Student Youth Organization
•    Young Students Council
•    Student Scientific Society

Institutional Perimeter Exclusions

•    Kazakh branch (Kazakh, Azerbaijan)
•    College of Economics and Humanities
•    Young Talents Lyceum
•    Guba Education Internship and Recreational Centre
•    Altiaghac Education Internship and Recreational Centre
•    Dormitories