Confucius Institute has been opened at Baku State University


Today, Confucius Institute has been opened at Baku State University (BSU). This event was made possible by the agreement signed between the  BSU and  University of Ankhoy (China). According the mentioned agreement, qualified teachers of Chinese language and culture will be sent to the BSU Confucius Institute annually. The University of Ankhoy will provide textbooks, manuals and audiovisual materials for the educational process. In addition, the University of Ankhoy  will invite the students of the BSU Confucius Institute for annually trainings. BSU, in turn, will organize a scientific conference, seminars and other activities to attract applicants to the Confucius Institute.

The rector of Baku State University, academicianAbel Maharramov made an introductory speech. He noted that  Confucius Institute will strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Azerbaijan and China.

Deputy Minister of Education Elmar Gasimov said that the Institute will make a great contribution to the study of Chinese language and culture in Azerbaijan.

The event was attended by the Charge d'Affaires of China in Azerbaijan Tsyan Syaoyan and vice rector of Ankhoy University Nyu Liven.

At the end of the event students of  the “Chair of languages and literature at far east” sang Chinese folk songs and poems, demonstrated the national Chinese clothes.

Confucius Institutes are non-profit public institutions that aim to promote Chinese language and culture and support local Chinese teaching internationally.

Press and Information Office of BSU, april 22, 2011.


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