Frontier Research Perspectives on Nanotechnologies


BSUN Workshop:

Frontier Research Perspectives on Nanotechnologies

October 30th, 2013


12:00 – 12:30 – Opening session

Acad. Abel Maharramov, Rector of Baku State University

Distinguished Nobel Prize laureates:


Klaus Olaf von Klitzing, Nobel Prize Laureate for Physics 1985

Robert Betts Laughlin, Nobel Laureate Prize for Physics 1998

David J. Gross, Nobel Prize Laureate for Physics 2004

George Fitzgerald Smoot, Nobel Prize Laureate for Physics 2006,

Rudolph A. Маrcus, Nobel Prize Laureate for Chemistry 1992

12:30 – 12:50 – Prof. Dr. Mahammadali Ramazanov – Research Activities on Nanotechnologies at Baku State University

12:50 – 13:10 – Prof. Dr. Eldar Shahbazov – Applications of Nanotechnologies in Oil Industry (Collaboration work of Baku State University and the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic)

13:10 – 13:20 - Prof. Dr. Eden Mamut – Scientific Research Challenges in the Field of Nanofluids – Properties, Models and Perspectives for Further Investigations

13:30 – 13:45Questions and Answers, Closure

13:40 – 14:30 –  Lunch


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